TITLE:Back-to-Basics: SP-EDIT

ISSUE:Multi-value Solutions Mar '98

AUTHOR:Nathan Rector

COMPANY:Natec Systems



The Multi-value spooler gives the user a lot of functionality. Unfortunately, most people only use the spooler in its simplest form, not realizing how powerful it can be for them. There are several commands that allow users to manipulate the spooler. One of these is the SP-EDIT command.

SP-EDIT is one of those command that can be hard to use if someone doesn't understand how to use it, but if a user understands it, they can do a lot with it.

With SP-EDIT a user can control and change a spooled print job. A print job can even be saved to a file with this command with the choice of saving it the same format it was sent to the printer in, including the control characters, or in a runoff format.

It can be also redirect a print job from one form queue to another. This can be helpful when printing forms or doing other controlled printing.

There are several options that you may find yourself using often with SP-EDIT:

f{print file#{-print file#}} - Allows you to control a range of print files

u - Allows you to edit any print file on hold. This option requires sys2 privileges.

rs - Spools a hold file to the printer. This options works with SP-ASSIGN. The print job is sent to the printer is currently assigned by SP-ASSIGN regardless of what form queue the print job was assigned to originally.

ps - Like the 'rs' option, this spools a hold file to the printer. However the difference is that it sends the job to the form queue the job was assigned to originally. Thus, it ignores the printer currently assigned by SP-ASSIGN.

d - Deletes print job

m - Used with the 's' option and the 'd' option to keep the program from displaying its prompts.

lo - Displays the print file.

Common examples:


This deletes print jobs 3-5 and not does ask the user to verify they want to delete the jobs.


Entry# 2

Display (y/n/s/d/x(cr)?

This allows a user to display, edit, delete, and/or respool the print job.


This displays the output on the screen for the print job number 1.


This respools print job 10 to the current form queue assigned by the SP-ASSIGN.


This does the same thing as the above, but sends the job to the printer it was originally assigned to. It ignores the current SP-ASSIGN.

TITLE:Back-to-Basics: SP-EDIT

TITLE:Back-to-Basics: SP-EDIT

ISSUE:Multi-value Solutions Mar '98

AUTHOR:Nathan Rector

COMPANY:Natec Systems



The Multi-value spooler gives the user a lot of functionality. Unfortunately, most people only use the spooler in its simplest form, not realizing how powerful it can be for them. There are several commands that allow users to manipulate the spooler. One of these is the SP-EDIT command.

SP-EDIT is one of those command that can be hard to use if someone doesn't understand how to use it, but if a user understands it, they can do a lot with it.

With SP-EDIT a user can control and change a spooled print job. A print job can even be saved to a file with this command with the choice of saving it the same format it was sent to the printer in, including the control characters, or in a runoff format.

It can be also redirect a print job from one form queue to another. This can be helpful when printing forms or doing other controlled printing.

There are several options that you may find yourself using often with SP-EDIT:

f{print file#{-print file#}} - Allows you to control a range of print files

u - Allows you to edit any print file on hold. This option requires sys2 privileges.

rs - Spools a hold file to the printer. This options works with SP-ASSIGN. The print job is sent to the printer is currently assigned by SP-ASSIGN regardless of what form queue the print job was assigned to originally.

ps - Like the 'rs' option, this spools a hold file to the printer. However the difference is that it sends the job to the form queue the job was assigned to originally. Thus, it ignores the printer currently assigned by SP-ASSIGN.

d - Deletes print job

m - Used with the 's' option and the 'd' option to keep the program from displaying its prompts.

lo - Displays the print file.

Common examples:


This deletes print jobs 3-5 and not does ask the user to verify they want to delete the jobs.


Entry# 2

Display (y/n/s/d/x(cr)?

This allows a user to display, edit, delete, and/or respool the print job.


This displays the output on the screen for the print job number 1.


This respools print job 10 to the current form queue assigned by the SP-ASSIGN.


This does the same thing as the above, but sends the job to the printer it was originally assigned to. It ignores the current SP-ASSIGN.