Back-to-Basics: EXPORT
Nathan Rector
Natec Systems
EXPORT {file name} {items ids | *} {options}
TO: {Dos file}
There is often need to export Multi-Value data to a DOS or Windows file to be used in presentations or accounting spread sheets. There may have been or will be times when someone outside your company will need to use your data in their system.
Multi-value data is formated and saved for the best business model, but because of that, Multi-value data is not easily accessed by other software without specialized third-party software.
For the once or twice someone may need your data, this approach may be more than pricey. Most of the Multi-value operating systems include some type of export command that takes care of most simple export requirements.
The EXPORT command found in the R83, AP, and D3 can deal with all but the most complex needs when exporting Multi-value data to a DOS, Windows, or UNIX file.
c - Create a single DOS file. Compile all the data from the Mutli-value file into one file
e - Specify the DOS record seperator. This options only works with the 'c' option.
i - Include the Pick item ids as the first value in the export item
k - disables the conversion of attribute mark into cr/lf
n - Sorts item before exporting
o - Overwrite the DOS file
p - direct output to spooler
s - use PICK item Ids as DOS files
t - Translate specified characters from one value to another during export. This can be an unlimited value.
The translate option is one of the most powerful options in the EXPORT command. Translate will allow you to keep your data in the multi-value file format so you have easy accessablitly, but when exporting to a DOS file, the attribute, value, and sub-value marks can be changed to other delimiters, for example, tabs or commas.
The translate is not limited to the attribute, value, and sub-value mark. You can translate any character to another character that you may need.
The EXPORT command also gives you an option to create one DOS file for all the items being exported, or as seperate DOS files per Multi-value item. Again this option allows you to work with the data easily within the Multi-value operating system before exporting the data.
This example will create one DOS file for all the item in the file:
This example will creates a DOS file for each item in the file using the Item Id as the DOS file name: