Large PDB Database Classes for PocketPC/Symbian
Contact Us

Pocket PC program
  w/ 1.3MB PDB database

Purchase Classes
(Source Included) - $100.00

Revision Log:

02/15/05 - Include class that mimics many functions found in the afPDBLib

02/14/05 - Fixed Bug in UniCode to handle more all UniCode Blocks.

02/14/05 - Fixed Bug in ReadNextModified that ignored first record in the database


These Classes will allow you Read-Only access to PDB database records without the performance hit on Open and Closing of your application.

This is not a replacement for the Appforge PDB libraries if you need to write records, but will allow you to access large PDB databases without Open and Close performance hit that Memory-Mapped files created.

Here is an example:

Dim oPDB As New PDBDatabase
Dim oByteStream As New PDBByteStream
Dim oAppForgeHeader As New PDBAppforgeDefinition
Dim oAppForgeData As New PDBAppforgeRecord

' Changes information in a database
oPDB.PDBDatabaseName = "AFSampleTable"
If oPDB.OpenDatabase Then
    ' Gets the Appforge file infor
    Set oAppForgeHeader = New PDBAppforgeDefinition

    ' Read the PDB AppInfo Block to get Appforge Header information
    oPDB.ReadAppInfoBlock oByteStream
    If oAppForgeHeader.IsAppforgeData(oByteStream) Then
        ' This is an appforge database.  Setup the Appforge header
        ' information
        Set oAppForgeData.AppforgeDefinition = oAppForgeHeader
        ' Create the Appforge Record Class
        Set oByteStream = New PDBByteStream
        If oPDB.ReadNextByIndex(1, 0, 0, 0, oByteStream) Then
            ' Successful
            ' Failed
        End If
        Set oAppForgeData.ByteStream = oByteStream

        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.BooleanValue(1) & " = True"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.ByteValue(2) & " = 10"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.CurrencyValue(3) & " = 55"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.DateValue(4) & " = 1/31/2002"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.SingleValue(5) & " = 1.3"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.DoubleValue(6) & " = .5544332211"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.IntegerValue(7) & " = 340"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.LongValue(8) & " = 45300"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.StringValue(9) & " = Hello"

        ' Not Appforge
        MsgBox "Not an Appforge Database"
   End If

   ' Close
   MsgBox "Failed to open " & oPDB.PDBDatabaseName
End If

The zip file you receive will include a sample form and all class with source code for creating PDB databases.

PPC PDB Classes
Large PDB Database Classes for PocketPC/Symbian
Contact Us

Pocket PC program
  w/ 1.3MB PDB database

Purchase Classes
(Source Included) - $100.00

Revision Log:

02/15/05 - Include class that mimics many functions found in the afPDBLib

02/14/05 - Fixed Bug in UniCode to handle more all UniCode Blocks.

02/14/05 - Fixed Bug in ReadNextModified that ignored first record in the database


These Classes will allow you Read-Only access to PDB database records without the performance hit on Open and Closing of your application.

This is not a replacement for the Appforge PDB libraries if you need to write records, but will allow you to access large PDB databases without Open and Close performance hit that Memory-Mapped files created.

Here is an example:

Dim oPDB As New PDBDatabase
Dim oByteStream As New PDBByteStream
Dim oAppForgeHeader As New PDBAppforgeDefinition
Dim oAppForgeData As New PDBAppforgeRecord

' Changes information in a database
oPDB.PDBDatabaseName = "AFSampleTable"
If oPDB.OpenDatabase Then
    ' Gets the Appforge file infor
    Set oAppForgeHeader = New PDBAppforgeDefinition

    ' Read the PDB AppInfo Block to get Appforge Header information
    oPDB.ReadAppInfoBlock oByteStream
    If oAppForgeHeader.IsAppforgeData(oByteStream) Then
        ' This is an appforge database.  Setup the Appforge header
        ' information
        Set oAppForgeData.AppforgeDefinition = oAppForgeHeader
        ' Create the Appforge Record Class
        Set oByteStream = New PDBByteStream
        If oPDB.ReadNextByIndex(1, 0, 0, 0, oByteStream) Then
            ' Successful
            ' Failed
        End If
        Set oAppForgeData.ByteStream = oByteStream

        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.BooleanValue(1) & " = True"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.ByteValue(2) & " = 10"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.CurrencyValue(3) & " = 55"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.DateValue(4) & " = 1/31/2002"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.SingleValue(5) & " = 1.3"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.DoubleValue(6) & " = .5544332211"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.IntegerValue(7) & " = 340"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.LongValue(8) & " = 45300"
        Debug.Print oAppForgeData.StringValue(9) & " = Hello"

        ' Not Appforge
        MsgBox "Not an Appforge Database"
   End If

   ' Close
   MsgBox "Failed to open " & oPDB.PDBDatabaseName
End If

The zip file you receive will include a sample form and all class with source code for creating PDB databases.